On June 8th and 9th the temperatures were extremely hot in Las Vegas, and so were the Cyclones of The Ballistic Racers Flyball Team. With a First Place win on Saturday and another on Sunday, the Cyclones were floating on cloud nine at The Race n Go Flyball Tournament.  Vegas, Cody, Mochi, Indie, Molly, and Pooky had clean runs which put them in First Place. Bullet Dogs did well too, with a Second Place win on Saturday and a Third Place win on Sunday.

It was on outstanding weekend of racing for the Ballistic Racers, placing on both days with both teams in the Riviera Hotel and Casino. To make things even better, they had the best Flyball Fumble Recovery ever posted on YouTube. Be sure to watch it as Zippy makes his fantastic save by running through the spectators to retrieve his ball, and then finishes the race!

All in all, it was a great weekend of flyball racing with our teammates and “Man’s Best Friend”.

Go Ballistic!

Brian and Joanne Matsumoto

We only raced one day at Dogtoberfest in Ramona, Saturday October 6th, but it was one of our best days ever. Our Bullet Dog Team was on fire with Zippy, Dylan, Cody, Herbie, Slash and Archer.







We were in preparation for our farthest trip ever to Hurricane Utah. We knew that the Utah tournament was only three weeks away, so we wanted to work out all the bugs.

The bugs were gone when Bullet Dogs came in First Place and broke our record with a 19.2 second run.

Indie says, “Go Ballistic!”

Our two other teams, Cyclones and the Jets, did very well too. Both The Cyclones and The Jets came in third place but were very close to second. As Amber K. put it, “We were smokin hot!” It was an outstanding day for Ballistic Racers with great wins, good food, and a new team record.